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Fist half of 2010: wood industry showing upward trend, furniture industry continues low in Hungary

In the first half of 2010 - based on monthly data - compared to both previous year's similar period and to the beginning of this year wood industry has adopted a rising course, while furniture industry continues low-altitude flying.


Dear Reader!

FATÁJ is an online newsportal for Hungarian-speaking professionals dealing with wood in forestry, wood industry, furniture industry and for other users having any contact with the wood world. Up to now we have published only in Hungarian, this is our first article in English.

The title of this article in Hungarian original is: 2010 első félév: a faiparban a növekedés jelei, ami a bútoriparban még késik (FATÁJ 2010-09-02)


Our tables and graphs are based on data from the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (HCSO). If you select Dissemination database on the left-hand side of the English version HCSO homepage, you can get these data. Help: If you download file from here: 2000-2010-Jun_WoodFurniture_monthly_Hungary.ssq , than you load it into the above linked Dissemination database with the help of 2nd from left tool in the right up corner, you will get the same database what I have worked from.


Total net, export and domestic turnover data for NACE Rev.2 "16 Manufacture of Wood and Wood Products" and "31 Manufacture of Furniture" refer to corporations with more than 4 employees.

Data in graphs are in billion HUF, in tables are in thousand HUF.

On 2010-09-20 1 Euro is 281 HUF, but this rate changed during the decade examined.

Monthly average rates in this graph are based on excel sheet taken from the Hungarian National Bank's homepage.


16 Manufacture of Wood and Wood Products

Wood&W.prod. 1000 HUF Jan-Jun 2009 Jan-Jun 2010 change %
Total turnover 77.371.519 84.731.084 109,5%
Export turnover 39.601.537 49.453.480 124,9%
Domestic turnover 37.769.982 35.277.604 93,4%


Total turnover of manufacturing wood and wood products in the first half of 2010 exceeded that of the comparable period of 2009. It should be noted that this year's performance has been, with the exception of 2008, the highest over the past 10 years. After a weak January-February - as last year - came a strong March-June period.

Engine of growth was export, while domestic sales dropped by 6,6%, though the monthly tendency is ascendent.


Total turnover by subsectors:

Total 1000 HUF Jan-Jun 2009 Jan-Jun 2010 change %
Wood&W.prod. total 77.371.519 84.731.084 109,5%
Sawmilling and planning 13.714.737 16.431.304 119,8%
Wood product total 63.656.782 68.299.780 107,3%
Veneer and WBP 19.716.113 21.380.199 108,4%
Parquet 263.219 673.596 255,9%
Carpentry and joinery 30.802.871 32.467.150 105,4%
W. containers 9.360.071 10.031.236 107,2%
Other 3.514.508 3.747.599 106,6%


Total turnover of manufacturing wood and wood products raised by almost one tenth with sawmilling producers achieving almost the double of this ratio. All subsectors increased. Development in parquetry has been spectacular. Though it must be taken in account that in this kind of statistics companies are registered by their main-activity-code and the two greatest parquetry producing sites are parts of companies having different main-activities. (One of them is registered in forestry, the other one in chemical industry.) The aggregated total monthly sales of all domestic parquet producers can be estimated at 1,5-1,0 billion HUF.


Export turnover by subsectors:

Export 1000 HUF Jan-Jun 2009 Jan-Jun 2010 change %
Wood&W.prod. total 39.601.537 49.453.480 124,9%
Sawmilling and planning 4.711.182 6.335.730 134,5%
Wood product total 34.890.355 43.117.750 123,6%
Veneer and WBP 14.464.240 16.795.745 116,1%
Parquet 149.412 375.555 251,4%
Carpentry and joinery 17.156.200 21.041.207 122,6%
W. containers 1.941.009 3.342.515 172,2%
Other 1.179.494 1.562.728 132,5%


The rise of export is almost two-and-half times greater than that of total turnover's. Parquet is salient here as well. Export of sawnwood and w.container producers seems to recover and exceeds the performance of many former years. At carpentry and joinery "spring" of export is spectacular, almost similar to the very good 2008.


Domestic turnover by subsectors:

Domestic 1000 HUF Jan-Jun 2009 Jan-Jun 2010 change %
Wood&W.prod. total 37.769.982 35.277.604 93,4%
Sawmilling and planning 9.003.555 10.095.574 112,1%
Wood product total 28.766.427 25.182.030 87,5%
Veneer and WBP 5.251.873 4.584.454 87,3%
Parquet 113.807 298.041 261,9%
Carpentry and joinery 13.646.671 11.425.943 83,7%
W. container 7.419.062 6.688.721 90,2%
Other 2.335.014 2.184.871 93,6%


Domestic turnover of wood and wood products manufacturers dropped by 6,6% but within that sawmillers and planners coud increase by 12,1%. Wood product producers went down by 12,5%. Constructing activity is very moderate now, what affects mostly carpentry and joinery, and wood based panel producers are under 90% too. Compared to the start of the year the monthly trend is rising.


31 Manufacturers of Furniture

Furniture 1000 Ft Jan-Jun 2009 Jan-Jun 2010 change %
Total turnover 75.700.776 58.659.065 77,5%
Export turnover 46.821.398 37.775.773 80,7%
Domestic turnover 28.879.378 20.883.292 72,3%


Total turnover of furniture manufacturers topped in the first half of 2008 but has been dropping constantly in the last two-and-half years. Export has been of a certain help as it has not decreased compared to the second half of 2009, but decline is definite compared to the first half of 2009. At the same time this years first half is better than the similar period of 2007 and earlier years. Domestic sales of the first half of 2010 exceed only the first two years of the last decade but if also inflation were considered this year's performance would be the worst during the whole period analysed. Domestic sales of inland furniture producers dropped drastically in early 2009 and could not recover essentially during whole of that year. 2010 has brought a further downturn.


Total turnover by subsectors:


Total 1000 HUF Jan-Jun 2009 Jan-Jun 2010 change %
Furniture manuf. total 75.700.776 58.659.065 77,5%
Office and shop furniture 8.232.077 6.029.776 73,2%
Kitchen furniture 5.586.229 3.134.357 56,1%
Mattresses 1.510.216 1.362.409 90,2%
Other 60.372.254 48.132.523 79,7%


Total turnover changed similarly to each individual subsector. The sales of kitchen producers differs with an even less outcome.


Export turnover by subsectors:

Export 1000 HUF Jan-Jun 2009 Jan-Jun 2010 change %
Furniture manuf. total 46.821.398 37.775.773 80,7%
Office and shop furniture 2.844.826 2.163.422 76,0%
Kitchen furniture 1.243.621 570.644 45,9%
Matresses 100.698 160.873 159,8%
Other 42.632.253 34.880.834 81,8%


Values of kitchen furniture and especially matresses in furniture export make only 1-2% within the sales of all furniture manufacturers. The achievements of the former halfed, and those of the latter developed to one-and-half. Office and shop furniture producers export leveled only to three-quarters and as can be seen is under the levels of the first half of 2004 and subsequent years. Determining item is other furniture producers (living chairs, cupboards and similar) export of which - excluding the salient first half of 2009 - was somewhat similar to the terminals of former two years and shows a level expressly over the earlier periods. Hopefully in the second half of this year it succeeds in reaching a further growth.


Domestic turnover by subsectors:

Domestic 1000 HUF Jan-Jun 2009 Jan-Jun 2010 change %
Furniture manuf. total 28.879.378 20.883.292 72,3%
Office and shop furniture 5.387.251 3.866.354 71,8%
Kitchen furniture 4.342.608 2.563.713 59,0%
Matresses 1.409.518 1.201.536 85,2%
Other 17.740.001 13.251.689 74,7%


At smallest actor of this market, at matresses the decrease was smallest. At kitchen furniture - similar as in export - drop was the hardest. At office and shop furniture tendency is similar to export but with stronger letdown. Other furniture producer's change ratio is similar to total domestic turnover development down but this came after shocking last year drop.

Done based on HCSO data and homepage by: Miklós Mőcsényi, FAGOSZ
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