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A CEI-Bois-nál felszabadul az FTP igazgatói állás Az Európai Faipari Szövetségnél (Brüsszel) 2011. április 1-vel felszabadul az Erdő-alapú szektor Technológiai Platform igazgatói állása. (CEI-Bois FTP director) Eddig dr. Andreas Kleinschmit von Lengefeld látta el ezt a feladatot. A feladatra jelentkezés határideje: 2011. január 21.
A folytonosság érdekében a CEI-Bois szeretné mielőbb ismét betölteni ezt a pozíciót. Ezért titkárságuk ma körlevelet küldött minden tagszervezetnek, így a FAGOSZ-nak is. A CEI-Bois az FTP sprl. egyik alapítója. Mivel az e munkára jelentkezők esetén alapfeltétel a nagyon jó angol tudás, ezért a felhívást az alábbiakban e nyelven adjuk tovább. Ugyanez itt letölthettő word.doc-ban is 217 kB.
The Forest-Based Sector Technology Platform (FTP sprl) is an industry-driven platform for collaboration in research, development and innovation set up by the European associations of forest owners, pulp and paper and woodworking industries. The key objective of the FTP is to assist the forest-based sector and its shareholders in fulfilling their future research, development and innovation needs. To assure continuation of its activities FTP sprl is currently looking to hire the services of an FTP manager With its work the FTP manager pursues the following main objectives:
Job description The FTP Manager works full time for FTP. He is the face of the technology platform as a whole, as well as of its shareholders in issues related to the FTP. Essentially the FTP Manager has to keep the forest based sector involved in the FTP process. The FTP manager must be objective and balanced in relation to different parts of the forest-based sector versus the research community as well as the different regions in Europe. Different parts of the chain have different interests in research and innovation. The FTP Manager must understand these differences and as much as possible explore the synergies in the chain. The FTP Manager will endeavour to mobilise the National Support Groups to participate in the FTP both at national as well as at European level. It is the FTP Manager's responsibility to coordinate the different bodies in the FTP structure, and to develop tools to keep the FTP actors informed of R&D projects as well as of the FTP activities. The FTP Manager will facilitate the response to the EU Commission calls and the development of consortia. The FTP Manager must be able to develop, maintain and explore a political network mainly in Brussels, with the goal of ensuring that the forest-based sectors are duly considered in the research calls from the different areas.
FTP sprl is looking for a candidate with the following profile
Activities In its daily work, the FTP manager will:
Candidates interested in this position are requested to send their motivation letter including a detailed CV and salary expectations to Dr. Andreas Kleinschmit von Lengefeld, Director, by 21 January 2011 at the following address: FTP sprl Rue du Luxembourg 66 BE - 1000 Bruxelles Phone: +32 (0)2 239 23 01 Fax: +32 (0)2 219 21 91 E-mail: kvl@forestplatform.org www.forestplatform.org CEI-Bois
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