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Mátyás Fakereskedo Kft
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Dr. Gerencsér Kinga: Fafeldolgozás mobil szalagfűrésszel
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A CEI-Bois-nál felszabadul az FTP igazgatói állás

Az Európai Faipari Szövetségnél (Brüsszel) 2011. április 1-vel felszabadul az Erdő-alapú szektor Technológiai Platform igazgatói állása. (CEI-Bois FTP director) Eddig dr. Andreas Kleinschmit von Lengefeld látta el ezt a feladatot. A feladatra jelentkezés határideje: 2011. január 21.


A folytonosság érdekében a CEI-Bois szeretné mielőbb ismét betölteni ezt a pozíciót. Ezért titkárságuk ma körlevelet küldött minden tagszervezetnek, így a FAGOSZ-nak is. A CEI-Bois az FTP sprl. egyik alapítója. Mivel az e munkára jelentkezők esetén alapfeltétel a nagyon jó angol tudás, ezért a felhívást az alábbiakban e nyelven adjuk tovább. Ugyanez itt letölthettő word.doc-ban is 217 kB.



The Forest-Based Sector Technology Platform (FTP sprl) is an industry-driven platform for collaboration in research, development and innovation set up by the European associations of forest owners, pulp and paper and woodworking industries. The key objective of the FTP is to assist the forest-based sector and its shareholders in fulfilling their future research, development and innovation needs.

To assure continuation of its activities FTP sprl is currently looking to hire the services of an

FTP manager

With its work the FTP manager pursues the following main objectives:

  • To maximise opportunities for funding of forest based sector relevant research and activities in European and national programmes (such as e.g. framework programmes 7 (FP7) and FP8).
  • To stimulate shareholders to continuous support to FTP
  • To engage members to contribute and participate in FTP activities through an active communication policy
  • To duly inform members on research programmes and related ongoing processes
  • To promote values of the sector, its activities and engagement towards external audiences

Job description

The FTP Manager works full time for FTP. He is the face of the technology platform as a whole, as well as of its shareholders in issues related to the FTP. Essentially the FTP Manager has to keep the forest based sector involved in the FTP process.

The FTP manager must be objective and balanced in relation to different parts of the forest-based sector versus the research community as well as the different regions in Europe. Different parts of the chain have different interests in research and innovation. The FTP Manager must understand these differences and as much as possible explore the synergies in the chain.

The FTP Manager will endeavour to mobilise the National Support Groups to participate in the FTP both at national as well as at European level. It is the FTP Manager's responsibility to coordinate the different bodies in the FTP structure, and to develop tools to keep the FTP actors informed of R&D projects as well as of the FTP activities.

The FTP Manager will facilitate the response to the EU Commission calls and the development of consortia.

The FTP Manager must be able to develop, maintain and explore a political network mainly in Brussels, with the goal of ensuring that the forest-based sectors are duly considered in the research calls from the different areas.


FTP sprl is looking for a candidate with the following profile

  • Professional experience in the forest-based sector and/or related research organisations
  • In-depth knowledge and experience of working with European policy making institutions with a good understanding of research and innovation funding programmes
  • Experience of working in a multi-cultural European environment
  • Ability to understand the business of the different parts of the forest-based value chains
  • Project management skills
  • Strong communication skills with a good knowledge of English. Additional languages are an asset


In its daily work, the FTP manager will:

  • assess priorities according to objectives.
  • represent FTP at meetings, conferences, high level events, with professionalism, commitment, enthusiasm, providing a positive image of the sector as a whole and the involvement of its members.
  • have a network at the Institutional level, both Commission and European Parliament, that is constantly enlarged, at all levels.
  • be fully updated on the implementation of the FP7 and informs FTP members in good time about details, timing and other relevant information.
  • coordinate responses to the calls, when appropriate.
  • be informed and informs members about other relevant EU funding programs.
  • follow very closely developments on EU R&D and Innovation policy and strategies.
  • look/create opportunities to promote FTP and the sector.
  • guide members in assessing future calls and future programs such as FP8 and preparing input.
  • drive members in adapting national and EU Strategic Research Agenda in line with industry priorities and EU strategies.
  • develop updated and structured information and presentation about FTP, its membership, objectives, activities, success rate, events, as well as about related issues at institutional level.
  • develop and distribute on a regular basis communication material about FTP, to both internal and external audiences.
  • organise events to promote FTP and/or gather its members.
  • assess interest and priorities of opportunities for FTP in related areas.
  • keep contacts with other ETPs (European Technology Platforms).
  • manage and control the FTP budget.

Candidates interested in this position are requested to send their motivation letter including a detailed CV and salary expectations to Dr. Andreas Kleinschmit von Lengefeld, Director, by 21 January 2011 at the following address:

FTP sprl

Rue du Luxembourg 66

BE - 1000 Bruxelles

Phone: +32 (0)2 239 23 01

Fax: +32 (0)2 219 21 91

E-mail: kvl@forestplatform.org  www.forestplatform.org



DomoTrend Kft - Lakberendezés Európa neves design-muhelyeibol.

AKE - A perfekt megoldás

Dunaker Kft - Alapítva 1986

105 hazai furészüzem gazdasági teljesítménye - 2010. - Megvizsgáltunk 105 hazai furészüzemet muködteto vállalkozást (60 kemény-lombos, 44 lágy-lombos, 1 fenyo-feldolgozó) a 2010-es évi teljesítményei alapján. A csoport 17,5%-al tudta növelni árbevételét.

SZJA 1% - válasszon a fagazdaság javára - Eljött az adóbevallások ideje, mindenki szabadon rendelkezhet a személyi jövedelem adója 1 %-ával. Összegyujtöttünk jónéhány fagazdaságban érintett non-profit szervezetet, hogy megkönnyítsük a választást. Bevallási határidok: február 27 - egyéni vállalkozók; május 21 - mindenki más bevallásra kötelezett magánszemély.

Zalaerdő Zrt - Erdészek az erdoért

Erdészeti gépek, eszközök, muszerek, kiegészítok kereskedelme.

105 hazai furészüzem gazdasági teljesítménye - 2010. - Megvizsgáltunk 105 hazai furészüzemet muködteto vállalkozást (60 kemény-lombos, 44 lágy-lombos, 1 fenyo-feldolgozó) a 2010-es évi teljesítményei alapján.

Fagazdasági felszámolás számláló - 2012. - Összegyujtöttük a fagazdaság szakterületein muködo (muködött) Magyarországon bejegyzett cégeket, amelyeknél a 2012-es évben indult el a felszámolási, ill. végelszámolási eljárás.

FATUDAKOZÓ - az online faipari cégtár

Prebena - Német szegezogépek, kompresszorok

Ráció szerszám - Prebena, Festool


ERFARET Tudásközpont

Magyar Belsőépítészet

KARDEX Kft - Erdészeti-faipari termelés, kereskedelem. Furészáru termelés: elsosorban bükk és tölgy. Belföldi, nemzetközi szállítás. Export-import tevékenység.

LEITZ Hungária Szerszám Kft

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