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Erdők szén-anyagcseréje, workshop Sopronban
2017. április 11-12-én a Soproni Egyetem Erdőmérnöki Kara és Erdészeti és Faipari Kutató Központja nemzetközi wokshopot tart az erdők szén-anyagcseréje témában. Munkanyelv: angol. Részvételre jelentkezés határideje: április 4. |
As a general lead topic an issue about 'Carbon-Metabolism in Forest Ecosystems' was chosen to pick up important research topics as work-examples of Hungarian and German institutions from University, Research Institutes and practice. The included subjects are dealing with carbon-fixation and release in soils and trees as well as general growth-, decay and metabolism issues.
One of the goals of the workshop was to continue the traditionally good relations between German and Hungarian forestry scientists and practitioners and to renew these contacts for our common future activities!
For more information, please contact the organizers:
Dr. Peter Rademacher, peter.rademacher@nyme.hu
Director-General for Research, Research Center for Forestry and Wood Industry, University of Sopron
Prof. Dr. Ferenc Lakatos, lakatos.ferenc@uni-sopron.hu
Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Forestry, Institute of Sylviculture and Forest Protection, University of Sopron
Registration deadline is 4th April 2017! Please use this form.
Workshop schedule:
Location: Ligneum Visitors' Center at the University of Sopron
Bajcsy-Zs. u. 4.; H-9400 Sopron, Hungary
Program: 11th April |
ca. 09:00 |
Excursion in Sopron mountain (optional) |
12:00 |
Lunch break
Workshop registration |
13:00 |
- Introduction
- Session 1
- Coffee break
- Session 2 |
Natural Resources Research Center visit (optional) |
19:00 |
Workshop Dinner in Fehér Rózsa Restaurant |
12th April |
08:30 |
- Session 3
- Coffee break
- Session 4 |
12:00 |
Lunch break |
ca. 13:00 |
Excursion at Lake Fertő (Neusiedler See) (optional) |
ca. 17:00 |
End of program |
Actual list of accepted presentations for HU-DE-Forest Workshop
(Status: 10th Mar. 2017, still in alphabetic order)
András Bidló, Adrienn Horváth |
University of Sopron, Faculty of Forestry |
Wirkung der Aufforstungen auf den Kohlenstoffgehalt des Bodens |
Michael Bredemeier |
Univ. Göttingen |
16 years, Sopron-Göttingen DAAD-Program' - Guarantor in bilateral project sustainability (WT [Work-Title]) |
Imre Czupy, Andrea Vityi |
University of Sopron, Faculty of Forestry |
Harvest, amount, utilization chain, plantation, C-balance (WT) |
Karsten Dunger |
TI-Eberswalde |
Reporting on forest greenhouse gas sources and sinks for Germany - organisation, data, methods and results |
Johannes Eichhorn, J. Evers |
Univ. Göttingen |
C in soils (WT) |
Friedrich Findeisen |
Univ. Dresden |
Perspectives of raw material availability for industrial veneer production - Case study black locust in Hungary |
Axel Göttlein |
TU-Munich |
Humus gone, all gone? Humus decay endangers forestry in the Alpine region |
Markus Graf-Rosenfellner, Friederike Lang |
Univ. Freiburg |
Sequestration of Carbon in and under Riparian Forests |
Zoltán Gribovszki, Péter Kalicz |
University of Sopron, Faculty of Forestry |
Forest Water Balance and Productivity |
Tamás Hofmann |
University of Sopron, Faculty of Forestry |
Possibilities of selecting climate adapting varieties of beech, using antioxidant leaf polyphenols as chemical markers |
Adrienn Horváth, András Bidló |
University of Sopron, Faculty of Forestry |
Carbon stock investigations in forest soils of oak and beech stands |
Zoltán Mátra, Markus Graf-Rosenfellner, Bálint Heil, Gábor Kovács |
University of Sopron/ Univ. Freiburg |
The impact of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) on soil development and biomass (C) fixation |
Tobias Mette |
LWF-Freising |
Silvicultural relevance of climate-analogies between Hungary and Germany |
Bálint Pataki |
Silvanus Kft. |
New concepts of plantations with high growth productivity |
Tamás Rétfalvi |
University of Sopron, Faculty of Forestry |
New project plan at Univ. of Sopron: Agroforestry - possibility for premium quality products and longer-term C-fixation - preparation for H2020 |
Zoltán Somogyi |
On some forest-related carbon debits |
Eric Thurm |
LWF-Freising |
Adapting Central European forests to Climate Change: Species distribution models for rare native and non-native tree species |
Workshop flyer
List of accepted presentations
Accomodation offer Hotel Pannonia
Accomodation offer student dormitory
Forrás: Soproni Egyetem